Blu Frame


Data on the go for the beef supply chain

Breedr Calf Seedstock


Breedr is an innovative start up in the beef supply chain space. Its founder Ian Wheal - a 4th generation rancher - has a vision of employing cutting-edge technology to help ranchers boost growth, manage livestock and have an on-the-go window into their entire supply chain

Ian needed the entire foundations for their app and data to be built from the ground up. Ian reach out to Edoardo - our founder - and asked him to develop iOS and Android apps from scratch based on designs provided by Breedr's in-house designer


Edoardo turned the Breedr designs into a reality and delivered a fully featured app that helped the startup launch and become a success

Livestock management, animal tagging via Bluetooth, offline access - for rural areas with limited connection capabilities - and medicine cabinet management were developed from the ground up, tested, iterated on and delievered on time

Breedr App
Duration 9 months
Client Breedr
  • Development
  • Optimization
  • Software Architecture
  • React
  • React Native
  • Typescript
  • Node.js